writing sample
{Olga Dossa of Peaceful Mothering interviewed me on September 15, 2016 for her website.}
Inspiring Peace – Conversations with Wise Women –
Missy Campbell from Taste of Simple
Olga: What was the catalyst that inspired you into mothering the way that you do?
Missy: My mom. My imperfect mom. She loves like few can, that forgiving, forgetful kind of love. If that’s all she’s done right, it turns out it’s enough. I’ve learned everything I know from that one simple thing—a mother’s love, even when it’s messy.
Olga: If you could tell a new mother just one thing that would make her journey of parenting more joyful, what would it be?
Missy: The one sight I keep and have faithfully kept my eyes on through my mothering journey is the knowledge that I’m raising a friend, that I’m loving someone into being the kind of person I enjoy meeting on the street, running into in my favorite shop, or having over for an afternoon, the kind of person that most anyone would love to meet or run into or welcome into their home, because he (who used to be our rambunctious 5-year-old) has learned to cultivate friendship and kindness through those years of practicing on us and with us.
Olga: How do you honour your femininity as a mother?
Missy: Both staying home with my kids for a day of homeschool and teaching a real-food class in town, warrant dressing with an elegant simplicity. A well-thought-out wardrobe that makes getting ready easy gives me the simple beauty I like without a lot of effort. I’m proud to be a woman. I’m proud to be a mother. I’m proud of my shape. I like to look nice even if no one but me will see me.
Olga: What are your non negotiables for your own self care?
Missy: (I came up with this list during one of my low points. It’s held true through the best of times, too.)
The Sacred Seven:
my marriage
our intimacy
my mothering
real food
abundant sleep
yoga + walks
simple beauty
To engage fully in all of these things, allows me to maintain my well-being. In difficult times, to engage in only these things allows me to restore it. It took me 15 years of marriage and 14 years of mothering to actually be able to name my needs. Be patient with yourself. Learn what makes you well. Then do those things every day without compromise.
Olga: What is one practical thing you do on a daily basis to make your daily life run more smoothly?
Missy: Simplify, simplify, simplify. (my thanks to Thoreau) Since my first days as a mother, I said no to excess toys, clothes and stuff. I even wrote our extended family a friendly letter, and they listened. Now, with a teen, a middle schooler and two little guys, this helps us stay calm and get along (better). We’ve decided to not be too busy to slow down. Keeping it simple keeps the peace better than any kind of scheduling or organizing I’ve tried.
Olga: How important is rhythm in your life?
Missy: The day I became a mother is the day I became a yogini. Through the tired dreaminess of having just given birth, I saw myself as a yogini. The minute I could roll myself off the bed I began my yoga practice. I did some rusty, half version of the yoga routine I’d dreamed up. That was 5,063 days ago. Every morning since then I’ve shown up and done the routine. It’s the heartbeat of my days.
Olga: Finish these sentences:
I am happiest when:
Missy: the people I’m responsible for are well, the kind of well that stands up to the regular, to-be-expected bumps and bruises of life.
Olga: Love is:
Missy: honest.
Olga: My greatest wish for my children is:
Missy: depth of roots and breadth of wings.
I borrowed this from von Goethe. The original goes:
“There are only two lasting bequests we can hope to give our children. One of these is roots, the other, wings.”
Olga: What does being a peaceful mother mean to you?
Missy: With respect, comes peace. Show respect. Gain peace.
Okay, it’s not that simple. But in the big picture—in 14 years of mothering—respecting four little people has earned us a lot of peace. To me, being a peaceful mother means pouring out respect like there’s an endless supply of it. It means giving my full trust and demanding complete honesty in return. It’s not always smooth (living never is, and maybe less so with small people) but shooting for 80% peace/20% other, measures up to near perfection in real life with kids.
About Missy:
Missy Campbell lives, homeschools and grows fruit, flowers, and veggies in Kentucky, US with her clan of a half dozen. Around town she photographs, prepares, talks about, eats and shares the delicious edibles that thrive within ninety miles of her home. At home she practices patience and refines calm while trying to raise four friendly humans she can confidently send out into the world. Connect with her on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest + Twitter. She blogs the praises of slow food, slow home and slow beauty at tasteofsimple.com.
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